When we edit WORD documents, we use many shortcut keys in order to improve efficiency. Many people may not be very familiar with all the shortcut key commands of WORD documents. Here is an article I compiled that is commonly used in WORD documents. Some shortcut keys, master the basic shortcut keys for WORD documents, and you can become proficient in operating WORD.
F1 key: Help
F2 key: Move text or graphics, press Enter key to confirm
F4 key: Repeat the last operation
F5 key: positioning during editing
F6 key: switch between the document and task pane or other WORD pane
F8 key: open WORD selection mode
F12 key: Open the "Save As" dialog box
CTRL 1: Single spacing
CTRL 2: Double spacing
CTRL 5: 1.5 times line spacing
CTRL O: Add a line spacing before the paragraph
CTRL A: Select all
CTRL B: Characters become bold
CTRL C: Copy
CTRL SHIFT D: Scatter alignment
CTRL E: Center paragraph
CTRL F: Find
CTRL G: Position
CTRL H: Replace
CTRL I: Characters become italic
CTRL J: Justify
CTRL K: Super link
CTRL L: Left alignment
CTRL N: New document
CTRL M: Left paragraph indent
CTRL O: Open document
CTRL P: Print
CTRL Q: Move the line where the insertion point is located one character to the left
CTRL Q: Cancel paragraph format
CTRL R: Align right
CTRL S: Save
CTRL T: Create hanging indent
CTRL U: Underline characters
CTRL V: Paste
CTRL W: Save or not
CTRL X: Cut and paste
CTRL F2: Print preview
CTRL F4: Close the window
CTRL F6: Switch between open documents
CTRL F12: Open the Open dialog box
ALT Left Key: Select a piece of text
ALT CTRL SHIFT PAGEDOWN: Move the cursor to the end of the window
ALT CTRL C: Insert copyright symbol
ALT CTRL R: Insert registration Trademark symbol
ALT CTRL T: Insert trademark symbol
ALT CTRL .: Insert ellipsis
ALT TAB: Switch tasks and windows
ALT F4: Close the program
ALT Space: Drop-down WORD control menu
SHIFT F2: Copy text
SHIFT F3: Change letter case
SHIFT F4: Repeat search or position
SHIFT F12: Select the "Save" menu item in the "File" menu
SHIFT F5: Jump to the last edited position in the document
SHIFT ←: Select a character to the left of the cursor
SHIFT →: Select a character to the right of the cursor
SHIFT ↑: Select the content from the current cursor position to the previous line
SHIFT ↓: Select the content from the current cursor position to the next line SHIFT HOME: Select the content between the cursor and the beginning of the line
SHIFT PAGEUP: Select the content between the cursor and the previous screen
SHIFT PAGEDOWN: Select a line of content between the current cursor position and the next screen
CTRL SHIFT Z: Format clear
CTRL SHIFT: Input method conversion
CTRL F8 : Open the "Macro" dialog box
CTRL Space: Convert Chinese and Spanish
CTRL ENTER: Insert page break
CTRL SHIFT M: Cancel the left side Paragraph indentation
CTRL SHIFT F12: Select the "Print" menu item in the "File" menu
CTRL SHIFT F: Change the font
CTRL SHIFT P: Change font size
CTRL SHIFT gt;: Increase font size
CTRL SHIFTlt;: Decrease font size
CTRL SHIFT: Increase font size point by point
CTRL SHIFT: Reduce font size point by point
CTRL SHIFT C: Copy format
CTRL SHIFT V: Paste format
CTRL SHIFT T: Decrease Hanging indentation
CTRL ENTER: Insert page break
CTRL HOME: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document
CTRL END: Move the insertion point to the end of the document
CTRL SHIFT ←: Move the cursor to the beginning of the word
CTRL SHIFT →: Move the cursor to the end of the word
CTRL SHIFT ↑: Move the cursor to the end of the word Beginning of paragraph
CTRL SHIFT ↓: Move the cursor to the end of the paragraph
CTRL SHIFT HOME: Move the cursor to the beginning of the document
SHIFT HOME: Move the insertion point to Beginning of line
SHIFT space: half-width/full-width switch
CTRL left click: select a piece of text