Trademark revocation refers to a legal state in which a trademark has not been used for three consecutive years and has been applied for revocation by others. According to Article 49 of the Trademark Law and Article 66 of the Implementing Regulations of the Trademark Law, if a registered trademark is not used for three consecutive years without justifiable reasons, any unit or individual may apply to the Trademark Office of the State Intellectual Property Office for cancellation. the registered trademark.
According to statistics from the State Intellectual Property Office, as of the end of 2023, the number of valid trademark registrations in my country was 46.146 million. Such a huge amount of trademark registration data has made trademark registration review more and more stringent, and the difficulty of trademark registration has also been greatly increased. . Therefore, if the trademark you like has been registered, the company or individual may consider filing a "three withdrawal" application for the registered trademark or a similar trademark based on the situation. If the party being applied for cancellation cannot provide valid evidence of trademark use within the specified period, Then the trademark will be revoked by the Trademark Office in accordance with the law, and the enterprise or individual will have the opportunity to regain the exclusive rights to the trademark.