Energy-saving services refer to services in which professional third-party organizations (energy management agencies) help their own organizations solve technical and implementation problems in energy-saving operation transformation. Its service targets are generally corporate organizations. These organizations also need to register trademarks to protect their brands, and here is a question about how many trademark categories energy-saving services belong to? Energy-saving services are energy-saving consulting services, which is the 42nd category under the trademark category. The specific subcategories are as follows: 4209 Providing research and development services (1) Technical research 420040, technical project research 420061, engineering 420064, researching and developing new technologies for others Products 420161, urban planning 420192, consulting in the field of energy conservation 420207, research in the field of environmental protection 420208, provision of information, advice and consulting on carbon offsets 420212, water quality analysis 420216, scientific laboratory services 420217, energy auditing 420218, scientific research 420222? Engineering Drawing C420015 (2) Quality Control 420157, Construction Timber Quality Assessment 420213, Wool Quality Assessment 420214? Quality Inspection C420006, Quality Assessment C420007, Quality System Certification C420008 Trademark Category