Peng Xiuzi is Yang, who knows Lingling people. At the age of fifteen, my father was a county magistrate, so he had to rest and go home with you, and the road was robbed by thieves. When he was in trouble, he drew his sword before holding the thief and handsome, saying, "Father humiliated his son and died, but you don't care about the evil of death?" The thief said, "This boy is a righteous man, so it is not appropriate to force him." So he politely declined. The township party named the surname. Hou Shi County is a hero of Cao. At that time, a captain in the west slaughtered you as a satrap, in order to collect a little more prisoners from Wuxian and kill them. The master clock was so eager to argue and remonstrate that he was so angry that he tied it. If you want to file a case, you dare not protest. He went straight into the pavilion, bowed to the court and said, "The Ming government is furious with its master. Please listen. " You said, "After teaching for three days, I didn't obey at first, so I ruined my life and was unfaithful. Isn't it an evil thing? " I bowed down and said, "In the past, when the seat was broken, Zhu Yun would climb up and break the railing. Since he is not a saint, how can he be a loyal minister? Today, the Qingming House is a sage and the main book is a loyal minister. " Therefore, I am willing to punish prison officials. After the state participates. At that time, the thief Zhang Zilin and other hundreds of people made an insurrection, and the county was called Zhou, so please keep the order of Wu. You and the satrap go out and beg for a thief. Thieves see chariots and horses, shoot them, and fly arrows to gather rain. When blocked, the defense was too strong, and it was killed by the flow vector. The defense was too strong. Thieves have always heard of their kindness, that is, those who kill crossbows will disperse. He said, "I surrendered because of Peng Jun, not because I was too obedient."
Peng Xiu, whose real name is Ziyang, is from Fuling, Huiji. At the age of fifteen, my father was an official in the county and got a chance to take a vacation. He went home with Xiu and was robbed by robbers on the way. Peng Xiu was in a difficult and embarrassing situation, so he pulled out a long knife and took the bandit leader. He said, "Your father is humiliated and your son is dead. Aren't you afraid of death?" The robbers told each other, "this young man is an upright man, so he can't be persecuted." So I took my leave, apologized and left. Everyone in the village praised his reputation. Later, he came to the county to do kung fu. At that time, a western captain Zaiyou, as the prefect, arrested the officials of Wuxian prison with a little negligence. The master book clock was going to kill him, and tried to dissuade him, so Zaiyou was furious. He asked someone to tie up the clock to punish him, but no official dared to speak. Peng Xiu pushed the door and went in directly, kneeling in the lobby and saying, "You are furious with your master. Please tell me his sins. "Zaiyou said," he didn't carry out teaching orders for three days, didn't carry out orders, and was unfaithful to his boss. Isn't that a sin? Peng Xiu bowed again: "Zhu Jun sat in his predecessor's seat, pointed out Hou Wen's fault to his face, and broke the railing of the main hall with his hand. If there is no wise monarch, where will there be loyal ministers? "Now you are a wise monarch and the main book is a loyal minister." So Yu You pardoned Zhong's punishment and the prison officer's guilt. Later, it was called by the state to do it. At that time, the thief Zhang Zilin and other hundreds of people made a riot. The county government informed the state government to let Peng Xiu act as the agent of Wuxian county magistrate. Peng Xiu and Taishou went out to beg for a thief's crown. The thief crown saw the horses and chariots from a distance and competed to shoot arrows at them. Arrows are as dense as rain. Peng Xiu used his body to protect the Taishou, but he was shot dead by a flowing arrow, and the Taishou was able to save his life. The thief crown has always heard that Peng is kind and honest, and immediately shot the person who shot Peng Xiu with an arrow. The rest surrendered and dispersed. They said, "I surrendered because of Peng Xiu, not because I was too obedient."
2. Translate the full text of the classical Chinese "Children of Duke Liang" into the original text.
Diliang's Leisure ① Medicine, especially acupuncture. During the celebration, you have to enter the customs, and the route goes to the north of Huazhou, which is crowded. From a distance, Duke Diliang saw a huge sign that said, "If you can cure this child, you will be rewarded with countless ties." This is the point of view. There is a rich room, about 14 or 15 years old, lying under the card. The nose is covered with fat (4), which is as big as a fist stone, and the root is decorated with nose wings, as if eating food. Or touch it, it hurts in the bone, so the eyes are covered with fat, white, and the pain is urgent, and they will die in an instant. Suddenly, I said, "I can do it." His parents ⑥ relatives, knocking ⑥ begging, just put thousands of silks on the side. Because public order and good customs want to help him get up, that is, an inch of needle was stuck in the back of his head, so he asked the patient, "Is the needle angry at the sick place?" The patient's jaw fell off. The man suddenly pulled out the needle, but the tumor should have been dropped by hand, and his eyes were the same as before, and he had never been ill. If their parents and relatives cry and worship, give them presents. Gong laughed and said, "I'm sorry for killing my son. I'm afraid I'm ill and unskilled. " Ignore and leave.
1 Leisure: hobby. 2 should be made: by the emperor. (3) huá n hu: market. 4 tumor: tumor. ⑤ zhuì √: implicated. ⑥ (τ): and. ⑦ ⑤ (s γ n π): Amount. ⑧ (jiān): This refers to silk. Pet-name ruby cover: Because. Attending (y): sell.
Di Renjie loves medical technology, especially acupuncture. When Emperor Xianqing was in power, he passed by the north of Huazhou City and saw many people watching. Di Renjie grabbed Ma Yuan and looked into the distance. He saw a tall sign with eight big characters: If you can cure the child, you will be rewarded with 1000 silks. Di Renjie immediately stepped forward to watch. It turned out to be a rich boy, about 14 or 15 years old, lying under the signboard. There is a tumor under the child's nose, the size of a fist, the root connected to the nose and the chopsticks so thin. If you touch it, you will feel a piercing pain. So both eyes were pulled down and turned white. The child's condition is very critical and he is dying. Di Renjie looked at it piteously for a long time, and then said, "I can cure him." The child's parents and relatives kowtowed to him for treatment, and had a cart pulled and one thousand silks placed next to De Renjie. Di Renjie had the child lifted up, stuck a needle about an inch in the back of his head and asked the child, "Do you feel anything on the tumor?" The sick child nodded. Di Renjie immediately put the needle * * *, and the tumor fell off by hand. His eyes immediately returned to normal, and all the pain disappeared. The children's parents and relatives cried and kowtowed. They had to give Renjie a thousand silks. Di Renjie smiled and said, "I'm sorry that your son's life is at stake. This is the urgency of the patient, to relieve the pain for the patient, not to sell my medical skills. " Di Renjie left and never looked back.
3. Classical Chinese translation of Song Youcheng Zi Zhe Cheng Zi Wu Yi? Song Youchengzi, Wu Yi ②, Qiu Hua ③.
Seeing the woman's clothes and clothes, I helped her (4) and wanted to take her clothes. Yue: "I died today."
The woman said, "Although I lost my clothes, I did what I had to do." Cheng Zi said, "Son, you'd better get dressed with me soon.
In the past, my deceased was spinning, and today's clothes are Zen. Isn't meditation good? "? Comments? (1) from Lv Chunqiu &; S226 erotic vocabulary.
2 death: loss. Li: Read Z and data, black.
3 painting: road. 4 auxiliary: pull.
Let's go. ⑤ Spinning: Lined clothes, that is, lined clothes.
⑥ Zen: read dān single, without lining. ? Translation? A man named Cheng Zi in the State of Song lost a black dress and hurried to the road to look for it.
? He saw a woman wearing a black skirt, so he caught up with her and tried to take off her skirt. He also shouted, "I lost a black skirt today." ? The woman explained, "Although you lost a black dress, I really made this black dress myself."
? Cheng Zi said, "You might as well give me the clothes quickly! It turned out that I lost a black jacket; You are wearing a jacket now. Didn't you take advantage of me by replacing your coat with a light coat? " ? Clever topic is robber logic, and it is a liar's behavior.
Cheng Zi is dead. 1. The original Song Youcheng is dead, dead, and wanted. I saw the woman's clothes and clothes, so I helped her take them off. I want to take her clothes and say, "I'm going to lose them today!" " The woman said, "It's really my own business to lose my clothes."
Cheng Zi said, "It's best to spin my clothes with people who died in the past. ⑤ I'd better turn my clothes around today. " Second, note 1 Wu Yi (zρ) clothes: Wu, lost. Black clothes.
② Seeking (tú): Seeking, seeking. Here, the same as "Tao" and "Road".
3 clothes and clothes: the previous "clothes", moving and wearing; After a "clothes", a noun, clothes. 4 aid and abandonment: aid, pull.
Christopher, no (5) spinning: black clothes sandwich. ⑥ (dān) ⑥: Black single coat.
Please be single. All landowners when: to compensate.
8 De: cheap. Three. Introduction This is a fable selected from Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals.
Cheng Zi in the fable is a tough and unreasonable person. In order to make up for his own losses, he wantonly harmed the interests of others and openly claimed that his selfish behavior benefited the plundered.
This is typical robber logic.
4. Wang Zijin Classical Chinese Wang Zijin: He is the prince of Ji Xiexin, Zhou Lingwang, with a kind heart.
Although he is a prince, he is lonely. Twenty-two years, I traveled to Yishui Luoshui, met with the public, and entered Songshan to practice Buddhism. Decades later, on July 7th, Wang Zijin ascended to heaven on a crane that can be seen far and near. People say, "The prince ascended to heaven and became an immortal."
Someone once suggested that Zhou Lingwang said, "People who help fight will get hurt." . "Helping others to do good will be rewarded".
It is said that he tried to dissuade Zhou Lingwang from breaking the water in the Luohe River, which would prevent the palace from being washed away by the flood, but it would make the people in Luoyang miserable. His suggestion made my father furious and demoted him to Shu Ren, so he became depressed and died at the age of 16. People feel their kindness, so they take the common name "Prince" as their surname. From then on, his descendants (the ancients married early and had children) took "Wang" as their surname. This is the origin of Wang Xing, which is just a statement, not absolute.
His eldest son, Wang Rong, whose name is Jing Zong, is Stuart and lives in Taiyuan. At that time, his name was Wang Jia. Because he thought he was a surname, the ancestor of the royal family in Taiyuan. Secondly, the son's early death, although famous and taboo, may be added by future generations and is not credible.
5. Chen Wannian's full-text translation flatters Chen Wannian's adopted son.
After being ill for thousands of years, I was told to go under the bed, talk until midnight, sleep salty and touch my head on the screen. He has been angry for ten thousand years and wants to fight. He said, "The Catholic Church warned you, but you slept instead of listening to me. Why? " He knelt down and kowtowed and said, "I fully understand what you said. The main idea is to teach me to kiss the boss's ass! " ! "Chen Wannian didn't speak again.
Selected from The Biography of Chen Han in Ten Thousand Years.
Chen Wannian was ill and called his son Chen Xian to bed. Teach him to read until midnight. Chen Xian took a nap and hit his head on the screen. Chen Wannian was so angry that he wanted to hit him with a stick and reprimanded him: "I always told you, but you went to sleep and didn't listen to me. Why? " Chen Xian quickly knelt down and kowtowed and said, "I know what Dad said. I probably taught my son to kiss up to the boss and please him. That's all! " Chen Wannian didn't speak again.
Ai Zi taught Sun to translate the original text in classical Chinese.
Ai Zi teaches his grandson.
Ai Zi has a grandson, ten years old, careless and inferior, 1. He doesn't study. Every time he adds 10, he doesn't care. His only son is a son, always afraid that his son is invincible. If he is killed by a stick, he will shout for help. Ai Zi said angrily, "I think what if the godson doesn't do evil?" The steeper the staff. His son is nothing. 5.
Once the snow works, Sun Lu 6. Playing in the snow, Aiko saw it, 7. His clothes make him kneel in the snow, and the shivering color can be 9. His son didn't dare to speak again, so he took off his clothes and knelt beside him. Ai Zi asked in surprise, "Your son is guilty and deserves this punishment. What can you do? " His son cried and said, "If you freeze my son, I will freeze your son." Ai Zi smiled and released 8. -(selected from Ai Zi Hou Yu)
Classical Chinese translation
Ai Zi has a grandson in his teens. He is lazy and stubborn and doesn't like reading. Every time (when the grandson is not studying), he always hits it with a eucalyptus stick, but it never changes. Ai Zi's son has only one child, and he is often worried that the child can't help but kill him with a stick. So whenever a father hits a child with a stick, he pleads with tears in his eyes. Ai Zi became more and more angry when she saw her son's poor face. He taught him, "Isn't it kind of me to discipline the children for you?" As he spoke, he hit harder and harder, and his son was helpless. One winter morning, it snowed heavily, and my grandson was playing with snowballs in the yard. Ai Zi appeared, and his grandson's clothes made him kneel on the snow, making him tremble with cold, so pitiful. The son did not dare to plead again, so he took off his clothes and knelt beside his son. Ai Zi was shocked at this and asked, "Your son is at fault and should be punished; What's wrong with you, kneeling with him? " The son cried and said, "If you freeze my son, I will freeze your son." Ai Zi smiled and forgave their father and son.
7. Reading classical Chinese: Zhang Xingshi, Zi Wende, Jingling people. The translation of this single name is for reference:
Zhang Xingshi, whose real name is Zhang Shi, was born in Jingling County (now Tianmen, Hubei Province).
When Zhang Xingshi was young, his family was very poor. At first, he was a guest of Zongzhen, the prefect of Jingling. Jingling set up a military mansion, and Zhang Xingshi served as the military and political chief of the military mansion, but he did not take office. As a civilian, he conquered barbarians with Wang Xuanmo, and he was always captured in every battle. General Wang is not as good as him, and he is surprised. Wang praised Zhang for his courage and courage in awakening the world.
Later, Liu Jun (Emperor Xiaowu of Song Dynasty) guarded Xunyang and served as the Southern Army Commander. When he crusaded against Liu Shao, he was Liu's striker. After quelling the war, he was appointed as a general outside the army. The king of Nanjun rebelled, followed the king out of Liangshan and made meritorious military service. King Liu Hong of Ren Jianping joined the army. Liu Zishang, a member of Xiping King, was appointed as Zhiwei. When he entered Taiwan, he was found guilty of wandering with Liu Zishang and was jailed and dismissed from office.
After Emperor Song Ming ascended the throne, various places rebelled in succession. Zhang Xingshi was ordered to crusade against the rebels, defeat Liu Hu, the general of the thief army, and pacify Jiangling. Because of his work, he was promoted to general, and soon served as a military commander in Yuzhou, southern Henan Province, and was appointed as the official of Tang County Hou and Grain City. He was recruited as a guerrilla general again.
After that, he was ordered by Haidao to go to the Northern Expedition and served as the general of Guo Fu, but he failed. In the fourth year of Taishigong (467), he was promoted to Prince Youwei and General Xiaoqi. In the fifth year of Taishigong (468), he was appointed General Zuo Wei. In the sixth year of Taishi (469), Liu Cuo, the central leader, left Guangling Town, and Zhang Xingshi temporarily served as the leader.
In the first year of Taiyu (472), he was the first general in the two counties to observe the festival and supervise the military affairs of the Northern and Southern Qin and Yunzhou. Soon, he was awarded the rank of captain Ningman. In the third year of Hui Yuan (475), he entered Korea and became General Zuo Wei. In the fifth year of Hui Yuan (477), he moved to Guanglu because of illness. He died in the second year of Mingsheng (478) at the age of 59.
8. Read the answer translation of the classical Chinese "Xu Du Zi Xiao Jie" for reference:
Xu is a dutiful son. He is from Anlu. Lived in the capital for generations. When I was young, I was free and easy and didn't stick to details. When I grow up, I am tall, like drinking and gambling, and often send small servants and people with humble occupations to make trouble. Shi Xiaojie, from Shixing County, Liang Dynasty. Xu Du followed him, led soldiers to conquer caves everywhere, and was famous for his bravery. Gaozu conquered, called him up with generous gifts, and many surrendered to Gaozu.
During the Hou Jing Rebellion, Gaozu pacified Guangzhou, pacified Cai Luyang and defeated Li. Most of the plans come from Xudu. Xu Du also commanded soldiers and made meritorious military service in every battle. Back in White Cat Bay, Emperor Yuan of Liang appointed him General Ningshuo and the secretariat of Hezhou. After Hou Jing was pacified, he recorded the meritorious military service before and after, and was promoted to a regular servant who rode straight and scattered, and was named Hou of Guangde County, with 500 households in the food city. Later, he became a formal rider.
When Gao Zu was guarding the city, Xu Du was appointed as a general and a prefect of Lanling. Gaozu sent Hengyang to present the king to Jingzhou, and Xu Du led his troops to follow. Jiangling fell, and Xudu copied the path to the east. When Emperor Gaozu pacified Wang Sengbian, both Xu Du and Hou An were water forces. In the first year of Shaotai (555), Emperor Gaozu made an expedition to Du Xiaosheng to serve Jingdi, and Xu Du was in charge of the palace guards and presided over the left-behind affairs.
Xu Sihui, and others to attack, high-impedance, back to Beijing. At that time, the enemy had occupied Shicheng and its residents, but they were on their way south, far from the imperial court. They were worried about being chased by the enemy, so they sent Xu Du to guard Yecheng Temple and build a barrier to stop the enemy. All the enemy troops went out and attacked on a large scale, but they failed to conquer. Gaozu quickly rescued Xudu and came back defeated. The following year, Xu Sihui and others led the Beiqi army to cross the river, and Xu Du was accompanied by the army and defeated the enemy in the northern suburb altar. According to the credit, he was appointed as General Xin Wei, the secretariat of Yunzhou, and the satrap of Xing Wu. Soon he was transferred to General Zhenyou, the leading general, the southern general of Xuzhou Military Region along the Yangtze River, the general of Zhenbei and the secretariat of southern Xuzhou to give him publicity.
Zhou Wenyu and Hou Andu went west to crusade against Wang Lin, but Wang Lin defeated them and imprisoned them, so they took Xu Du as the former army commander and guarded Nanling. Sai-jo succeeded to the throne and moved to Shi Zhong, Zhong Fujun and Kaifu Yitong, where he was promoted to public office. Not yet saluted or appointed, he served as an envoy, a constant servant, a general in the town east, and a satrap in the county of Wu. In the first year of Tianjia (560), he added 1,000 food cities. After the expiration of his service, he served as Shi Zhong and General Zhong Jun. Ambassador, commander-in-chief of nine counties, namely Huiji, Dongyang, Linhai, Yongjia, Xin 'an, Xinning, Xin 'an, Jin 'an and Jian 'an, general of Zhendong, and Huiji as the prefect. Before his arrival, Qiu Houdiao died in Xiangzhou, so Xu Du replaced Hou and was transferred to military posts in Xiangzhou, Yuanzhou, Wuzhou, Bazhou, Yunzhou, Guizhou and other places. He was the general of Zhennan and the secretariat of Xiangzhou. After the expiration of his service, he served as Shi Zhong and General Zhong Jun, and his appearance and opinions remained unchanged.
When sai-jo died, Xu Du received the testamentary edict in advance and entered the forbidden area of the palace with 50 armed soldiers. Abolish the emperor and be promoted to mediocrity Hua Jiao occupied the rebellion in Xiangzhou, and led the Northern Zhou army down to Dunkou. Confronted with the imperial army, he was promoted to general Xu Du, held festivals, rode a bicycle, commanded infantry, went from the county to eastern Hunan via Linglu, attacked Xiangzhou, and captured all the families left by the enemy in Xiangzhou. Everbright two years (568), died at the age of 60. After being named Qiu, he was given twenty swords, and posthumous title was loyal. It was built four years ago, and the imperial edict gave it the name of Gaozu Hall. His son Xu Jingcheng attacked the seal.
9. "Ai Zi has a grandson" classical Chinese explains that Ai Zi has a grandson, who is in his teens, lazy and stubborn, and doesn't like reading. Ai Zi hates him and often uses it.
He was beaten with a wooden pole, but he never changed. Ai Zi's son has only one child, and he is often worried that the child can't help but kill him with a stick.
Therefore, whenever the father hits the child with a stick, he implores with tears in his eyes. Ai Zi became more and more angry when she saw her son's misery.
When you are angry, teach him: "Why don't I discipline the children for you?" As he spoke, he played harder and his son was helpless.
One winter morning, it snowed heavily, and my grandson was playing with snowballs in the yard. Ai Zi appeared, and * * * grandson's clothes.
Clothes, ordered him to kneel in the snow, he was shivering with cold, really poor. My son dared not plead again, so he took it off.
Clothes kneeling beside his son. When Ai Zi saw this, he was shocked and asked, "Your son is at fault and deserves this punishment; What crime did you commit? Kneel down with him.
Together? "The son cried," If you freeze my son, I will freeze your son. "Ziyi could not help but smile and forgive.
They killed their father and son.