Trademark classification can be analyzed according to different classification standards. The following is a classification based on the classification standards of goods and services:
1. Category 1: chemical raw materials, chemical preparations
2. Category 2: pigments, coatings, varnishes
3. The third category: detergents, spices, cosmetics
4. The fourth category: fuel, oil, grease
5. The fifth category: medicine , rubber products, adhesives
6. Category Six: Metal materials, stainless steel
7. Category Seven: Mechanical equipment, electrical appliances
8. Eighth Category: Hand tools, knives
9. Category 9: Scientific instruments, photographic equipment
10. Category 10: Medical equipment, office equipment, stationery
11. Category 11: Household appliances, electronic equipment, wires and cables
12. Category 12: Vehicles, transportation equipment
13. Category 13: Weapons, Gunpowder
14. Category 14: Jewelry, Clocks and Clocks
15. Category 15: Musical Instruments, Audio Equipment
Memory Tip: You can put each One or two keywords under the category are associated with the brands we are familiar with so that we can quickly remember them. For example: for weapons and gunpowder under Category 13, we can think of brand names such as "AK" rocket launcher and "Domestic Type 54 Pistol".