Registration number/Application number: 1567417 International classification number: 30
Trademark in Chinese: Medici Trademark Pinyin: MCTURKIE
Trademark prefix: Trademark in English: MCTURKIE
Trademark number: Application date: 2000-1-3
Applicant name (Chinese): Nanning Medji Entertainment Co., Ltd. Preliminary review announcement number: 770
Applicant name (English): Preliminary review announcement date:
Company website: Nanning Medji Entertainment Co., Ltd.
Exclusive right period: May 7, 2001 to 2011 May 06, 2019
This data is for reference only and does not have any legal effect. Please verify it before use
www.TMSOSO.COM search engine
Agent name: Guangxi Goodwill Trademark Office Co., Ltd.
Does *** have a trademark: No
Applicant 2:
Applicant 3: < /p>
Trademark Type: General Trademark
Registration Announcement Issue Number: 782
Registration Announcement Date:
Use of Goods: [3006——Bread ; Hamburger; cake; small cake (pastry); pie (dessert); sandwich bread; pastry; bun; milk cake; flan;]
Foreign fast food is not doing well abroad, but it is very popular in China. The scenery here is really beautiful! "Medicine" is a British fast food brand that has just entered the Chinese market and already has some franchise stores in large cities in central and western China. "McDonald's" has recently fully opened its franchise rights to individuals in China, with a minimum entry threshold of RMB 2.5 million to RMB 3.5 million; "KFC" has only opened its franchise rights to corporate legal persons, with a minimum entry threshold of more than RMB 5 million. I don’t know how many RMB is the minimum entry threshold for a “Medicine” franchise. Western fast food is a high-calorie food. I advise you to eat as little as possible to maintain a good figure. If you really want to eat Western food, it is more romantic to go to a Western restaurant or cafe! [