When Lu Xun was eleven years old, he went to San Tan Yin Yue to study with Mr. Shou Jason Wu. Lu Xun once mentioned the situation of reading in San Tan Yin Yue in the article "From Baicaoyuan to San Tan Yin Yue", which was critical. This is mainly about the education method at that time, but I still show my respect for Mr. Shou Jason Wu between the lines. I think he is "an old-fashioned, simple and knowledgeable person in this city" and a kind teacher.
character introduction
Shou Huaijian (1849 ~ 1930), whose real name is Jason Wu, was born in Duchangfang, Shaoxing, and was a scholar in Tongzhi of Qing Dynasty for eight years (1869). Angry at the arrogance of foreigners, the Qing court humiliated the country, refused to buy foreign goods, refused to be an official, set up a museum at home in Santan Yingyue to collect disciples, and set the articles of association, and only enrolled eight students every year. In order to inspire students' thinking and improve their literary quality, they pay attention to literary talent in choosing lectures, which is ridiculed as "deviant" because it is different from tradition.