In the Spring and Autumn Period, Guan Zhong, who helped Qi Huangong become the first overlord, had a classic saying, "You know etiquette in a warehouse, and you know honor and disgrace in food and clothing." In the original text of Guanzi Herdsmen, "Cang Li actually knows etiquette, food and clothing know honor and disgrace."
Sima Qian, a historian of the Western Han Dynasty, quoted a sentence from Historical Records and Biographies of Yan Guan: "Ze" was changed to "Er", and there is a saying that "etiquette is known in the warehouse, and honor and disgrace are known in food and clothing".
At present, it is generally believed that "the granary knows etiquette, food and clothing know honor and disgrace" comes from Biography of Historical Records Yan Guan: "The granary knows etiquette, food and clothing know honor and disgrace, and clothes are solid. If the four dimensions don't open, the country will die. Ordering food is like running water, making it popular. "
Interpretation is: when the granary is full, you will know the etiquette; Eat and wear warm clothes, and you will know the honor and disgrace; The enjoyment of kings has a certain system, and the six relatives are closely linked; If the ethics of propriety, justice and shame are not publicized, the country will perish. Promulgating laws is like flowing water from the source, and it must conform to the people's hearts.
Source: Guanzi Herdsmen by Guan Zhong during the Warring States Period.
Extended data:
Sima Qian described in Biography of Historical Records of Yan Guan that in the Spring and Autumn Period, after Guan Zhong was in charge of government affairs as Qi Xianggong, he shared joys and dislikes with the people, circulated goods and accumulated wealth, which made Qi quickly embark on the road of enriching the country and strengthening the army. Guan Zhong said that "the granary knows etiquette, food and clothing know honor and disgrace" has also become the guiding ideology of Qi's self-wealth.
Only when the people live a rich life and the national treasury is full can the etiquette be carried forward and the government decrees be unimpeded. Guan Zhong grasped the root of governing the country. After years of governance, Qi quickly became strong and became the first tyrant in the Spring and Autumn Period. There is also a record of Qi Huangong's "Nine Kings conquering the world" in history.
Because of the correctness of Guan Zhong's guiding ideology and the success of Qi Huangong, "Cang Li actually knows etiquette, food and clothing can know honor and disgrace" has been praised by later generations. Looking at this sentence from a modern perspective is completely in line with the relevant viewpoints of materialism, such as "material determines consciousness", "economic base determines superstructure" and "material civilization determines spiritual civilization"
At that time, when the royal family was weak and the princes were eager to move, it was very valuable for the state rulers to have this awareness.
Later, Confucius sighed and said, "I am a little humble, I am left-handed!" " Mencius said in a dialogue with Qi Xuanwang: "Therefore, if a wise monarch controls the people's property, he can support his parents and his wife, and he will be satisfied with life in a happy year and avoid death in a bad year. Then drive away the good ones, and the people will be lenient.
Today, people's property is also under control. It is not enough to serve their parents or adopt a wife. Happy years will be bitter for a lifetime, and unhappy years will inevitably lead to death. This is just to save lives, but I'm afraid I won't be able to support it. From both positive and negative aspects, the decisive role of the economic base on the superstructure has been fully demonstrated to the king.
Baidu encyclopedia-granary knows etiquette, food and clothing know honor and disgrace.