(1) The trademark registrant shall apply for renewal of registration within six months before the expiration of the trademark, or apply for renewal of registration within six months after the expiration of the trademark, that is, within the extension period, but shall submit Late fees. If no application is made within the extension period, the registered trademark will be cancelled. (2) The category of trademark renewal should be filled in according to the category of the International Classification of Goods. If the originally approved goods now belong to different categories of the International Classification, but both need to be renewed and registered, the renewal application form should be filled in separately according to the category and registered. The original registration number will remain in which category, and the rest will be assigned application numbers. (3) Several identical trademarks of the same trademark registrant with the same validity period, if they belong to the same category of international classification, can be renewed separately, or they can be applied for renewal as one application. (4) If the original approved trademark image contains content that cannot be used as a trademark but the trademark is difficult to separate, the exclusive rights for this part should be waived; the trademark name is not in the trademark image, and if the name does not require exclusive rights, the exclusive rights should be waived. ; If it is required to be retained, the text of the trademark name can be written into the periphery of the graphic, or the text can be renewed separately. (5) For renewal of premature trademarks, the original "Trademark Registration Certificate" must be submitted together with 5 copies of the trademark drawings. (6) If the name of an administrative division at or above the county level has been registered as a trademark, proof of the use of the trademark should be submitted.