Hello, the time required for US trademark registration: 8-12 months. U.S. trademark validity period: 10 years, calculated from the date of application, but an affidavit of use is required in the 5th to 6th year after the registration date, and renewal is required in the 9th to 10th year to maintain the trademark's validity.
US trademark application process:
Application submission: After submitting the application to the US Trademark Office, an application number (literally, a serial number) will be assigned within 1-2 working days serial number), the trademark information can be queried on the USPTO website approximately 2 weeks after the application number is assigned. ?
Trademark review: This stage includes formal review and substantive review, which will take about 2-4 months. If the application meets the most basic formal requirements, complies with legal regulations and does not conflict with prior rights, If there is a conflict, the trademark will be announced. ?
Examination Opinion Stage: If during the trademark examination process, it is considered that there are any formal or substantive reasons to refuse the trademark registration, an official opinion (Office action) will be issued, and the official opinion must be responded to. If you do not respond, the application will be deemed invalid (unless it is an official opinion on some products). There is a 6-month response period from the date of the official opinion is issued.
After the reply is passed, an announcement will be arranged. If the reply is not passed, the official will issue a final opinion. The announcement can only be made after the problem is resolved, otherwise it will be ultimately rejected.
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