1925 The real charm 1925 Six million people a day 1926 The shortest distance between thirst and refreshment - Coca-Cola 1927 In any corner 1928 Coca-Cola - natural charm, pure drink 1929 in the world The best drink 1932 Coolness under the sun 1933 Clears away fatigue and thirst 1935 Coca-Cola - brings the moment of getting together with friends 1937 Happy Hour in America 1938 You don’t need anything else when you are thirsty 1939 Only Coca-Cola 1940 The easiest way to quench your thirst 1941 The vitality of work Coca-Cola belongs to ---- 1942 Only Coca-Cola is Coca-Cola, always buy the best 1943 The world symbol of American lifestyle ---- Coca-Cola 1945 The symbol of life full of friendship and happiness 1946 World Friendship Club --- Just 5 cents 1946 yes 1947 The quality of Coca-Cola is your forever trustworthy friend 1947. Where there is hospitality, there is Coke. 1948 Where there is hospitality, there is Coke 1949 Coca-Cola ---- Walking along the highway 1950 Thirsty, the same pursuit Quality 1951 The choice of hospitality and home 1952 All you want is Coke 1953 Full of energy---safe driving Midsummer dream 1955 Just like the sun brings excitement 1956 Coca-Cola---makes good things better One touch brings light 1957 The symbol of good taste 1958 Cool and easy to drink Coke 1959 Coca-Cola’s happy life, real vitality 1961 Coca-Cola brings you the best condition 1963 With Coca-Cola by your side, everything will go well for you 1964 Coca-Cola makes you angry and special Vitality 1965 Fully enjoy Coca-Cola 1966 After drinking Coca-Cola, you will never feel tired again 1968 Wave after wave, cup after cup 1970 This is the real, this is the authentic Coca-Cola that really makes you feel happy and happy 1971 I originally owned Coca-Cola The World 1972 Coca-Cola --- Along with the Good Times 1975 Looking down at the United States, see what we get? 1976 Coke and life 1980 A cup of Coke, a smile 1982 This is Coca-Cola 1985 A kick; a blow; Coca-Cola 1989 The unstoppable feeling 1993 Always Coca-Cola 1994 Always Coca-Cola 1995 This is Coca-Cola 1996 This is Coca-Cola 2000 Heart is beating! We Work hard to live a wonderful life! 2000 Koka-kola. Enjoy 2001 Life tastes good 2003 Passion is burning here 2010 Who do you want to share the first bottle of Coca-Cola in the New Year with? 2011 Positive, optimistic and beautiful life