Class 42 trademarks are scientific and technological research, and the registration of such trademarks mainly includes theoretical and practical services provided by people, individuals or collectives involved in complex fields; These services are provided by chemists, physicists, engineers and computer programmers.
Class 42 trademarks mainly include:
Class 42 trademark registration provides research and development services for 4209; 42 10 provides geological survey and research and development services; 42 1 1 provide chemical research services; 42 12 provides biological research services; 42 13 provides meteorological information services; 42 14 provides testing services; 42 16 design service; 42 17 architectural design and consulting services; 42 18 clothing design service; 4220 computer programming and related services; 4224 provides art appraisal services; 4227 single service.
Class 42 trademark registration category includes services provided by engineers engaged in evaluation, estimation, research and reporting in the field of science and technology; Medical scientific research service.
Original reference:/article-21381-1.html.