“Brand” is an English word. As a noun, it can refer to a brand, trademark or imprint, etc.; as a verb, it can refer to branding or trademarking a product, etc. The following is the meaning and usage of "brand" in different situations:
Noun, refers to a brand or trademark
When "Brand" is used as a noun, it usually means a brand or trademark, which is a company or product identifier. Brands can be established and promoted through advertising, packaging, word-of-mouth, etc. For example:
Nike is a well-known brand of athletic shoes and apparel. (Nike is a well-known brand of athletic shoes and apparel.)
Coca-Cola is one of the most recognizable brands in the world. (Coca-Cola is one of the most recognized brands in the world.)
The company is launching a new line of products under its own brand name. (The company is launching a new line of products under its own brand name. A new product series named after a brand name.)
Verb, referring to branding or trademarking a product
When "Brand" is used as a verb, it usually means branding or trademarking a product. . Branding is the imprinting of a brand or mark with a branding iron on an animal or object to indicate ownership or origin. For example:
The rancher branded his cattle with his initials. (The rancher branded his cattle with his initials.)
The blacksmith branded his tools with his name to prevent theft. (The blacksmith brands his tools with his own name to prevent theft.)
The company brands all of its products to ensure quality and authenticity. (The company brands all of its products to ensure quality and authenticity. . )
A noun that refers to the characteristics or image of a person or a product
In some cases, "brand" can also refer to the characteristics or image of a person or a product. For example:
The actress has cultivated a brand as a strong, independent woman. (The actress has cultivated a strong, independent woman image.)
The company's brand is known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. (The company’s brand is known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.)