Classes 1 to 34 belong to commodity trademarks, and classes 34 to 45 belong to service trademarks. Each major category in the category is divided into subcategories.
International registration of trademarks
There are three ways for applicants to apply for registered trademarks abroad: single country registration, regional registration and Madrid international trademark registration. Single country registration means submitting a trademark registration application to the trademark authorities of each country in accordance with the laws of each country. Regional registration means applying to register a trademark with a regional trademark authority, and this effect applies to all member countries in the region.
Some common regional trademark authorities include: European Union Intellectual Property Office EUIPO, Benelux Office, African Intellectual Property Organization OAPI, African Regional Industrial Property Organization ARIPO, etc. Madrid international registration of trademarks refers to trademark registrations among member states of the Madrid Union in accordance with the provisions of the Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Marks or the Protocol Relevant to the Madrid Agreement on the International Registration of Marks.
The "Madrid Union" refers to a special union for the international registration of trademarks composed of countries or intergovernmental organizations to which the Madrid Agreement and the Madrid Protocol apply. As of 2021, the Madrid Alliance*** has 108 parties, covering 124 countries. The world's major economies such as China, the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Australia, and Switzerland are all members of the Madrid Alliance.