Solar energy 1. Huangming Solar is a well-known trademark in China (recognized by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce), one of China’s 500 most valuable brands, a member of the International Solar Energy Society, and a Chinese famous brand.
2. Linuo Ruite Solar is a Chinese famous brand, a well-known Chinese trademark (judicially recognized), a national user-satisfying product, the largest glass vacuum tube manufacturer, with strong backing from Linuo Group, and an international solar energy brand.
3. Sangle Solar is a well-known trademark in China (judicially recognized), China Solar Energy Chairman Unit,
4. Siji Muge Solar is a well-known trademark in China (certified by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce), China 500 most valuable brands, member of the International Solar Energy Society, and partner of China's aerospace industry.
5. SunRain Solar Energy is a Chinese famous brand, a well-known trademark in China (judicially recognized), the same manufacturer as Four Seasons Pastoral, the pioneer of thermal insulation walls, and the first in export volume.
6. Huayang Solar is a well-known trademark in China (certified by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce) and a Chinese famous brand.
7. Yijia Neng Solar is a famous brand in China.
8. Tsinghua Sunshine Solar is a famous brand in China.
9. Brilliant Solar Energy is a Chinese famous brand and a well-known trademark in China (judicial recognition).
10. Tongji Sunshine Solar (well-known trademark in China, (judicial recognition), the only supplier of the Honor Guard of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, one of the top ten water heater companies.
(well-known trademark in China, (judicial recognition) Recognized), the only supplier of honor guards of the Chinese People's Liberation Army and one of the top ten water heater companies.