No specific time. Because Taobao deducts points based on the store's counterfeit sales and the overall operating conditions of the store, the system makes a comprehensive dynamic adjustment in real time. The seller is deducted 2 points for selling fake goods. The recovery time is uncertain. Some may be one or two months, some may be half a year or one year. Therefore, Taobao cannot give you an accurate time for the recovery time of points deducted for selling fake products.
How long will it take to recover the 2 points deducted for counterfeit trademarks on Taobao?
It is impossible to determine the recovery time of points deduction for counterfeit sales, because Taobao’s system makes comprehensive dynamic adjustments in real time based on the store’s deductions for counterfeit sales and the overall operating conditions of the store.
The seller was deducted 2 points for selling fake goods. The recovery time is uncertain. Some may be one or two months, some may be half a year or one year. Therefore, Taobao cannot give you an accurate time for the recovery time of points deducted for selling fake products.
However, if the seller appeals and the appeal is approved, the deduction points will be revoked and the impact will be eliminated after 3 days.
What is the impact of deducting 2 points on Taobao for selling fake products?
The impact of deducting 2 points is as follows:
1. Comprehensive search ranking, product ranking, etc.
2. If false transactions are involved, the store's products will be removed from the shelves.
3. Some Taobao activities cannot be participated, as follows:
(1) Daily special price: penalty points for selling fakes ≥ 0 points, 0 points for selling fake goods and 0 Sellers with more than 10 points deducted will not be able to participate.
(2) Taobao: If you sell counterfeit goods in the past 730 days, points will be deducted and you cannot participate.
(3) Juhuasuan: Points will be deducted for selling counterfeit goods in the past 730 days, so you cannot participate.
4. Penalties for false trading accounts will result in point deductions
2 points will be deducted: Delete the sales volume, store ratings, credit praise, and product reviews generated by the hype orders. In addition, participation in official marketing activities is limited to 90 days.
5. Impact on participating in the event
(1) Daily special price: Penalty points for selling fakes are ≥ 0 points, and there are sellers who sell fake goods with 0 points or more. are not allowed to participate. Even if the deduction points are cleared at the end of the year, you still need to wait 730 days from the penalty date before you can register.
(2) Taobao: If you sell counterfeit goods in the past 730 days, you will be deducted points (including 0 points), and you are not allowed to participate. Even if the deduction points are cleared at the end of the year, you still need to wait 730 days from the penalty date before you can register.
(3) Juhuasuan: Points will be deducted (including 0 points) for selling counterfeit goods in the past 730 days, and you are not allowed to participate. Even if the deduction points are cleared at the end of the year, you still need to wait 730 days from the penalty date before you can register.
(4) Gold coins: Sellers with penalty points for selling counterfeit goods ≥ 0 points, and sellers with 0 or more points for selling fake goods are not allowed to participate. The points will be cleared until the end of the year or the points deduction will be cancelled.
6. It will affect my store/baby ranking
Deductions for selling counterfeit goods will have an impact on the search ranking of store products, but the specific extent and time of the impact cannot be clearly given. you.