Judging from the picture, the label on this scarf is authentic. However, there are many counterfeit products on the market with genuine labels. If you want to confirm, it is recommended to take it to a shopping mall counter for identification.
Personal identification method:
1. The trademark of the counterfeit Burberry scarf uses a mechanical sewing machine to sew the two sides directly onto the scarf with dense stitches; the trademark of the genuine Burberry scarf uses manual sewing Sew, and fix the four points to the scarf with the last size needle to ensure the integrity of the product to the maximum extent. Because of international practice: when wearing a scarf, the label needs to be removed, so it must be easy to remove with household tools.
2. Genuine Burberry pure cashmere scarves and pure wool scarves are made of Angora pure cashmere and Inner Mongolia pure cashmere. The highest-grade raw materials are strictly selected, and the rarely used warp and latitude weaving method is used to make the product very tight and non-deformable.