Trademark registration in China is protected by category. Generally speaking, a category is divided into several similar groups, and the goods in each group are not similar. If someone applies for a trademark in a group of this category, then others can't apply for the same or similar trademark in that group, but they can apply for the same trademark in other groups, which is not against the law.
In reality, we often see such a situation. The trademark name is the same, but the business scope and use are different, but the name is the same, and the font and logo are different, so the possibility of registering this trademark with the same name is still great.
First of all, you can understand that the advertising company with the same name has registered its name in advance; If so, you can't register with the same name.
Secondly, if the design is different, you can apply to register your icon, but you still need to check it.
Third, trademark registration is a standard. If there is a previous registration in the same category, the subsequent registration will be rejected. So, if you register, it will be better to select the registration icon. Entrepreneurial partners answer that I hope it will help you!