The results of the review are subject to the paper-cut you received. The results of the Trademark Office website are for reference only and have no legal effect. Upon inquiry, the reexamination of the trademark No.5684057 "Yike" has been completed and handed over to the Trademark Office for related matters. Trademark No.6584057 has nothing to do with "Yike".
I applied for the registration of two trademarks in the 25th category, with application numbers of 3905905 and 4066647 respectively, of which 3905905 was subject to objection review on 201kloc-0/,and the other was 4066647 on 201July 2/kloc.
Because there are too many cases, there is no statutory review period. We strive to control the audit time limit within 18 months, but due to the different circumstances of each case, we cannot guarantee all of them.