Full text of the latest revisions to the Trademark Law in 2014
1. Merge the first and second paragraphs of Article 4 and amend it to: “Natural persons, legal persons or other organizations engaged in production and business activities "If you need to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark for your goods or services, you must apply for trademark registration with the Trademark Office."
2. Amend Article 6 to: "If laws and administrative regulations require the use of registered trademarks. Goods must apply for trademark registration. If registration is not approved, they shall not be sold in the market.”
3. Add a paragraph to Article 7 as the first paragraph: “Application for registration and use of trademarks shall be made. Follow the principle of good faith.”
4. Amend Article 8 to read: “Any mark that can distinguish the goods of a natural person, legal person or other organization from the goods of others, including words, graphics, letters, Numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations, sounds, etc., as well as combinations of the above elements, can be applied for registration as trademarks.”
5. Amend the first to third items of Article 10, Paragraph 1, to read. : "(1) Identical or similar to the country name, national flag, national emblem, national anthem, military flag, military emblem, military anthem, medals, etc. of the People's Republic of China, as well as the same name, logo, specific location of the central state agency The name or the name or graphics of the landmark building are the same;
“(2) Identical or similar to the name, national flag, national emblem, military flag, etc. of a foreign country, except with the consent of the government of that country ;
“(3) Identical or similar to the name, flag, emblem, etc. of an intergovernmental international organization, except with the consent of the organization or if it is not likely to mislead the public.”
Amend item 7 of paragraph 1 to read: "(7) It is deceptive and can easily cause the public to misunderstand the quality and other characteristics of the goods or the place of origin."
6. Change "only" in the second item of Article 11, paragraph 1, to "only".
Amend the third item of the first paragraph to read: "(3) Other things that lack distinctive characteristics."
7. Add a paragraph to Article 13 as the first Paragraph: “If the holder of a trademark that is well-known to the relevant public believes that its rights have been infringed upon, he may apply for well-known trademark protection in accordance with the provisions of this law.”