TM is the abbreviation of TRADEMARK. American trademarks are usually marked with TM, which does not necessarily refer to a registered trademark. The circle R is the abbreviation of REGISTER. When used in trademarks, it means registered trademark. my country's Trademark Law Implementation Regulations stipulate that when using a registered trademark, you can indicate "registered trademark" or "registered trademark" on the goods, product packaging, instructions or other attachments. mark. The registration mark includes the circle R. When using a registered mark, it should be marked on the upper right corner or lower right corner of the trademark.
Therefore, TM and R are trademark marks of different countries and have no special relationship. Some domestic companies do not understand the legal provisions and blindly imitate American companies and use the TM mark on their trademarks.
Relevant personnel from the "State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China" explained that TM is the copyright symbol used during the registration and review period of the trademark, while the circle R is used after the review period and approval. Copyright logo available!