Recently, our city is undergoing political changes to its city appearance. As the only nationally civilized city in the province, this huge beautification project mainly includes two aspects. The first is to renovate all the exterior walls in a unified manner. The second is to re-plan all the critical signboards into a unified grille style. After this planning, it is indeed much neater, but the signboards still look so ugly, and at least 1/3 of each signboard must be posted. Advertising information unrelated to the store. Whenever we see on TV, the streets of Hong Kong and the streets of Chinatown in the United States are all Chinese. Why are the signs of domestic shops so ugly?
First of all, there is the consideration of cost. For an advertising company that has been making signs for a long time, the cost of making a light box cloth sign with red background and yellow characters, which is the favorite of Chinese bosses, will not exceed 200 yuan, including the steel frame and the The cost of installation will never exceed 500 yuan. If you include brand advertising sponsorship, it is usually around 300 yuan. It is cheap and trouble-free, and the signboard has achieved the basic effect of being eye-catching, so for For small shops that generally operate with low costs, saving money is already the best choice. The second is the weak brand awareness. How many owners of small businesses now register their own brands? What's more, designing your own brand LOGO and decoration style? As far as the current market situation in China is concerned, brand awareness is still quite weak. However, in Japan, brand awareness is quite strong compared to the United States. Every entrepreneur will register a trademark for his company, and they all hope to carry forward their brand. In contrast, in China, most entrepreneurs are still in the stage of chasing immediate benefits. Not to mention brand awareness.
But with the rapid development of China, the brand awareness of Chinese businessmen has begun to gradually build up. You will find that many local companies in the past two years have developed very quickly and well. They have their own The brand has its own trademark and its own brand style, so I believe that in the near future, Chinese signboards will no longer be what they are now.