Trademark registration application place:
(1) Log in to the official website of the Trademark Office to register online;
(2) Trademark Office registration hall, Trademark Office in Zhongguancun National Independent The innovation demonstration zone office, the trademark review collaboration center established by the Trademark Office outside Beijing, or the trademark acceptance window established by the local industrial and commercial and market supervision department entrusted by the Trademark Office;
(3) Apply directly to the trademark agency .
The above three application methods can also be understood as one is to handle it yourself; the other is to entrust a trademark agency to handle it.
1. Similar query
Conduct a similarity query on the trademark that the customer is about to submit to see if it meets the trademark review specifications. If it does not meet the requirements, suggestions will be given and the customer will make changes. The first link aims to improve the pass rate of trademark registration. For trademark registration, time is money. Chinese law stipulates that if two or more trademark registration applicants apply for registration of the same or similar trademarks on the same or similar goods, the application shall be initially reviewed and announced. Prior trademark. Whoever applies first gets the upper hand.
2. Submit an application to the Trademark Office
Submit a trademark application, business license, trademark drawing, trademark category and other materials.
Individuals applying for trademark registration must submit the following materials:
(1). A copy of the individual business license;
(2). A copy of the operator’s ID card File;
(3). Trademark pattern
(4). Product/service type
Enterprises need to submit the following materials for trademark registration:
(1). Copy of business license
(2). Trademark pattern
(3). Product/service category
Trademark The carrier must be a product or service. There are 45 major categories. Categories 1-34 are goods, and categories 35-45 are services. Each major category is divided into subcategories. When you find an agency, the agent will explain it clearly to you. Individual industrial and commercial households can only choose product/service categories within their business scope, while enterprises are not subject to category restrictions.
3. Formal review
The main review contents in this link include: review of application documents (whether the documents are complete, whether the filling is standardized, whether signatures/seals are missing), and the specifications of the trademark drawings , review of clear procedures and necessary explanations, and classification review (review of reported goods/services). After formal review, if the application procedures are complete and the application documents are filled in as required, the Trademark Office will issue an acceptance notice.
If the application procedures are incomplete or the application documents are not filled in as required, a notice of rejection will be issued and returned, and the application date will not be retained.
If the application procedures are basically complete or the application documents basically comply with the regulations, but if supplements and corrections are needed, the Trademark Office will issue a notice of supplements and corrections to the trademark registration application. If the applicant makes corrections within the time limit and returns it to the Trademark Office, the application date will be retained; if the applicant fails to make corrections or makes corrections beyond the time limit, the Trademark Office will issue a notice of rejection and return it, and the application date will not be retained.
4. Substantive examination
Any trademark application that meets the relevant regulations will be initially reviewed and approved by the Trademark Office and announced.
If the application is rejected, a rejection notice will be issued to the applicant.
If the Trademark Office believes that the contents of the trademark registration application can be revised, it will issue an examination opinion. If the applicant responds within the time limit, the Trademark Office will continue the examination.
5. Trademark Announcement
For trademarks that have been preliminarily approved after review, the China Trademark Office will announce them in the "Trademark Announcement".
Within three months from the date of announcement, anyone can object to a trademark initially approved by the China Trademark Office. If the objection is determined to be valid, the registration will not be approved.
6. Issuance of certificate
If there is no objection or the objection is ruled untenable within three months from the date of announcement, the China Trademark Office will approve the registration and issue a trademark registration certificate, and It will be announced in the Trademark Announcement.
Legal Basis
Article 31 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China. Two or more trademark registration applicants shall register the same product or similar products. If an identical or similar trademark is applied for registration on goods, the trademark applied for first will be preliminarily reviewed and announced; if the application is made on the same day, the trademark previously used will be preliminarily reviewed and announced, and other applications will be rejected and will not be announced.