Yes, Category 43 is a service category, so you can open a chain.
Category 43 - Catering and accommodation, elderly care and childcare, provision of animal food and accommodation
Provision of food and beverage services; temporary accommodation.
Class 43 mainly includes services providing food and beverages to consumers by individuals or institutions and institutions that provide temporary accommodation for guests in hotels, boarding houses or other institutions Get beds and boarding services.
This category includes in particular:
—Providing accommodation booking services to tourists, especially through travel agencies or brokers;
— Animals provide meals.
This category specifically does not include:
-Providing rental services for permanent real estate, such as houses, apartments, etc. (Class 36);
——Travel services provided by travel agencies (Class 39);
——Preservation services of food and beverages (Class 40);
——Disco Dance hall services (Class 41);
—Boarding schools (Class 41);
—Sanatoriums (Class 44).
4301 provides catering and accommodation services
4302 provides housing facilities services
4303 nursing homes
4304 child care services
4305 Provision of food and accommodation for animals
4306 Single service
(430186) Rental of chairs, tables, tablecloths and glassware
(430190) Cooking equipment Rental
(430191) Water dispenser rental