Definition First, game code, art (pictures, character portraits), music, text (plot, gameplay instructions) and other elements can be protected through copyright. Second, game names/character names can be protected through trademarks. Third, the protection of gameplay. The protection of gameplay is currently very controversial. Article 9 of the "Copyright Law" Copyright holders include: (1) Authors; (2) Other natural persons, legal persons or unincorporated organizations that enjoy copyright in accordance with this law. Article 10 Copyright includes the following personal rights and property rights: (1) The right of publication, that is, the right to decide whether a work will be made public; (2) The right of signature, that is, the right to indicate the identity of the author and sign his name on the work; (3) The right of revision, that is, the right to make changes or the right to authorize others to modify the work; (4) The right to protect the integrity of the work, that is, the right to protect the work from distortion or tampering; (5) The right to reproduce, that is, the right to print, copy, rub, record, video, rip, remake, The right to make one or more copies of a work by means of digitization or other means (6) Distribution right, that is, the right to provide the original or copies of the work to the public by selling or donating it; (7) Rental right, that is, allowing others to temporarily use audio-visual content for a fee The right to originals or copies of works and computer software, except where computer software is not the main subject of the lease; (8) Exhibition rights, that is, the right to publicly display originals or copies of fine arts and photographic works; (9) Performance rights, that is, The right to publicly perform works, and to publicly broadcast the performance of works by various means; (10) Projection rights, that is, the right to publicly reproduce art, photography, audio-visual works, etc. through projectors, slide projectors and other technical equipment; (11) Broadcasting rights, That is, the right to publicly disseminate or rebroadcast works by wired or wireless means, and to disseminate broadcast works to the public through loudspeakers or other similar tools that transmit symbols, sounds, and images, but does not include the rights specified in item 12 of this paragraph; (12) The right of information network dissemination, that is, the right to provide the work to the public in a wired or wireless manner so that the public can obtain the work at the time and place of their choice; (13) The right of filming, that is, the right to film audio-visual works The right to fix the work on the carrier; (14) The right to adapt, that is, the right to change the work and create an original new work; (15) The right to translate, that is, to convert the work from one language to another. The right to text; (16) The right of compilation, that is, the right to assemble a work or fragments of a work into a new work through selection or arrangement; (17) Other rights that should be enjoyed by the copyright owner. The copyright owner may permit others to exercise the rights specified in items (5) to (17) of the preceding paragraph and receive remuneration in accordance with the agreement or the relevant provisions of this Law. The copyright owner may transfer all or part of the rights specified in items (5) to (17) of paragraph 1 of this article, and receive remuneration in accordance with the agreement or the relevant provisions of this law.