The shortcut key for centering text in word is Ctrl E.
Select the text you want to center and hold down Ctrl E to center the selected text.
Extended information:
Other shortcut key operations in word:
Shift F4: Repeat the last search command.
Ctrl -F6: Switch between open documents
Ctrl B key combination: Make characters bold
Ctrl I key combination: Make characters italic
Ctrl U key combination: underline characters
F1: Help
F5: Positioning in editing
F12: Select "File" menu "Save as" command
Shift F3 key combination: Change letter case
Ctrl F2 key combination: Print preview
Ctrl F4 key combination: Close window
Ctrl F12 key combination: Select the "Open" command on the "File" menu
Ctrl Shift F12 key combination: Select the "Print" command on the "File" menu Regarding fonts and font sizes Shortcut keys
Ctrl ] Key combination: increase font size point by point
Ctrl [Key combination: decrease font size point by point
Ctrl Shift C key combination: Copy format
Ctrl Shift V key combination: Paste format
Ctrl E key combination: Center paragraph
Ctrl J key combination: Justify both ends
Ctrl L key combination: left alignment
Ctrl R key combination: right alignment
Ctrl M key combination: left paragraph indent
Ctrl Shift M key combination: Cancel the left paragraph indent
Ctrl T key combination: Create a hanging indent
Ctrl Shift T key combination: Reduce the hanging indent amount
Ctrl Q key combination: cancel paragraph format
Ctrl Enter key combination: page break
Alt Ctrl C key combination: copyright symbol
Alt Ctrl R combination Key: Registered trademark symbol
Alt Ctrl T Key combination: Trademark symbol
Shift Right arrow: One character on the right Shift Left arrow: One character on the left
Ctrl Shift Right Arrow: end of word
Ctrl Shift Left Arrow: start of word
Shift Down Arrow: next line
Shift Up Arrow: previous line
Ctrl Shift down arrow: end of paragraph
Ctrl Shift up arrow: beginning of paragraph
Alt Ctrl Shift Page Down key combination: end of window
Ctrl A key combination: include the entire document