Legal analysis: Yes. EU trademark application date refers to the exact date when OHIM received the application (or the date when the State Industrial Property Office, including the Benelux Economic Union Trademark Registration Office, received the application). The date of EU registration refers to the date when the Industrial Property Office registered the EU trademark in the registration department before the announcement of EU trademark registration was issued. The registration date will not take effect until the registration fee is settled. On the trademark registration certificate, the registration date is located at the lower left of the first page. The registration date is the beginning of the five-year use period of EU trademarks. The rights granted by EU trademarks can only be used against third parties from the date of announcement of trademark registration.
Legal basis: Article 4 of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), if a natural person, legal person or other organization needs to obtain the exclusive right to use a trademark for its goods or services in production and business activities, it shall apply to the Trademark Office for trademark registration. The provisions of this Law on commodity trademarks shall apply to service trademarks.