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How to pronounce gun

The pronunciation of gun is: English [ɡ?n]. Gun means n. gun; cannon; throttle; vt. shooting; opening the throttle; vi. hunting with a gun. gun synonym heater.

1. Detailed explanation

n. (noun) gun, cannon-like object, injector, thief, pickpocket, gunman, professional killer sharpshooter (flare gun, salute, etc.) blast, signal (engine) throttle, damper drug syringe v. (verb) shoot with a gun, shoot, hunt with a gun, increase the throttle, accelerate, wait for an opportunity, accuse someone of trying hard to pursue 2. English-English interpretation


thedischargeofafirearms signalorasasaluteinmilitaryceremonies;"tworunnersstartedbeforethegun"


Verb :shootwithagun 3. Dictionary explanation

1. Gun; cannon


Antonym of gun

e.g.Heproduced a gunand he came into the house...< /p>

He pulled out his gun and walked into the house.

e.g.Theinner-city hasgunsandcrimeanddrugsanddeprivation.

The inner-city ghetto is plagued by gun abuse, crime, drug abuse and poverty.

2. The starting gun

Agunora starting gunisan object like a gun that is used to make anoise to signal the starting of a race.

e.g.The starting gun blasted and they were off.

The starting gun went off and they rushed out.

3. Start...; increase the accelerator; make acceleration



He started engine and drove away.


e.g.The company came out with gunsblazing.

The company was working hard to do something big.

6. Act prematurely; act prematurely


e.g. The book is scheduled to be released on September 10, but some booksellers have jumped ahead and decided to sell it early.

7. Stand your ground; be stubborn; insist on having your own way

If you stick to your gun, you continue to have your own opinion about something even though other people are trying to tell you that you are wrong.

e.g. He refused to meet her.

Related phrases: gundowngunfor

IV. Examples

The gun has a shooting range of 400 yards.

The range of this gun is four hundred yards.

He was clubbed todeath with a buttofagun.

He was beaten to death with a gun butt.

It's illegal to carry guns in our country.

It's illegal to carry guns in our country.

The soldiersawa gunjuttingoutfromabush.

The soldier saw a gun sticking out of the bush.

The gun has an elevation of 45 degrees.

The gun has an elevation of 45 degrees.

Two soldiers dismounted the gun from the base.

Two soldiers dismounted the gun from the base.

I saw them gundowninnocent women and children.

I saw them gun down innocent women and children.

5. Common sentence patterns

Used as a noun (n.) GunsareforbiddeninChina.

Guns are banned in China. Rifles, pistols, revolvers and cannonsareguns.

Rifles, pistols, revolvers and cannons are all guns. Heshotawolfwithhisgun.

He shot a wolf with his gun. Thegunsdestroyedtheenemy's position.

The guns destroyed the enemy's position. Theypaintedthewallwithaspraygun.

They painted the wall with a spray gun.

Wait for the gun!

Wait for the starting gun. Hehiredagun.

He hired a gunman. Heisthecriminalwhousedaguntorobpeople.

He is the criminal who committed armed robbery. Used as a verb (v.) Used as an intransitive verb S+~(+A) The driver gunned away home.

The driver increased the accelerator and drove home. Used as a transitive verb S+~+n./pron.The pilot of the airplane gunned his engine for asharpclimb.

The pilot increased the throttle to make the plane climb sharply. Two white-helmeted officers gunned their engines into life.

Two officers wearing white helmets started the engine at once. 6. Vocabulary collocations

Used as noun (n.) verb + ~ adjustagun (to adjust artillery, etc.) to adjust the shooting aimone'sgunat aim the gun...beatthegun sneak away carryagun carry the gun cleanagun rub the gun drawagun pull out the gun come fireagun shoot holdagun hold a gun holdagunonsb aim the gun at someone holdaguntosb'shead aim the gun at someone's head jumpthegun move ahead, (during a race) run away layagun aim levelone'sgunat aim the gun..., aim the gun at Accurate...loadagun loaded with bullets managun in place pointagunatsb point a gun at someone shootagun fire a gun, fire a cannon shouldereragun carry a gun, put the gun on the shoulder sticktoone'sguns stick to one's position, stubborn turnone'sgunround turn the muzzle adjective + ~ biggun cannon, big shot heavygun heavy artillery lightgun light gun smallgun small gun noun + ~ airgun air gun BB gun BB type air gun field gun field gun machine gun machine gun magazine gun repeater raygun laser gun, ray gun shotgun shotgun Tommygun Tom gun, submachine gun starter'sgun starter's gun preposition + ~ warshipwith16-inchguns A warship equipped with a 16-inch cannon, sure as a gun, be made like a gun, well built, under the gun, under close surveillance ~ + preposition gun with a good field of fire, a gun with a long range is used as a verb (v.) ~ + adverb gun down to kill ~ + preposition gun for to search and kill with a gun, Seeking, fighting for, waiting for opportunities to harm 7. Common mistakes

n. (noun) He shot his sister. Incorrect: Heshothissisterbyagun.

Correct: Heshothissisterwithagun.

A gun is a tool for "shooting". The preposition "with" should be used before it, and "by" cannot be used.

Related synonyms of gun

heater, persuader, piece, pistol, shooter

Related synonyms of gun

gunfire, gumption, Guna, Gunj, guns, Gund, gung, Guny, Gunn, guno, gunk, Guni