1. Start sewing from the back of the clothes, and sew a little on the second stitch.
2. After pulling, don't sew from the bottom of the clothes, pull it directly to the front of the clothes.
3. Put the needle behind the original pinhole, and then pick the lower edge to pass through. Then give him a needle forward, and then give him a needle from the eye of the second needle. After passing through it, pick out the second side that has just been sewn.
4. Then we can sew forward by analogy. After sewing, we can tie a fast knot. After sewing, the edge of the clothes will become very elastic and not easy to open. The effect is very good and beautiful.
Acupuncture refers to a kind of therapy in folk medicine (acupuncture therapy) or the method of picking needles in embroidery. Acupuncture is the general term for acupuncture.
The principles and methods of acupuncture include acupuncture manipulation and acupuncture therapy. The so-called acupuncture manipulation refers to the operation method of acupuncture tools and points during the acupuncture process, from the time of needle entry to the time of needle exit. It is mainly operated by doctors with both hands, so it is called manipulation. Acupuncture can promote the acquisition of needling sensation, maintain and strengthen needling sensation, and has the functions of harmonizing yin and yang, dredging meridians, tonifying deficiency and purging excess. Acupuncture manipulation can be divided into three categories: basic manipulation, auxiliary manipulation and reinforcing and reducing manipulation.
The so-called acupuncture therapy refers to the method of using various needles to apply acupuncture technology to meridians, acupoints or diseased parts to prevent and treat diseases. In fact, it is a kind of treatment method mainly based on acupuncture, including filiform needle, triangular needle, skin needle, fire needle, pricking needle, awn needle, ear needle, scalp needle, wrist-ankle needle, nose needle, foot needle and facial needle developed in modern times, as well as electroacupuncture, water needle, acupoint catgut embedding and laser needle using modern acupuncture instruments.