To determine whether a trademark is distinctive, you need to pay attention to three aspects:
Whether the components of the trademark itself are legible
A trademark consists of characters, graphics , a combination of letters, numbers, three-dimensional symbols, color combinations, sounds, etc. Trademarks consisting of single or two-letter trademarks or simple characters, as well as trademarks consisting of circles, triangles or several wavy lines, basically have no distinctive features. Trademarks that are too simple can easily be rejected.
Originality of the trademark
Judging from the current trademark registration situation, most of the rejected applications are related to similar trademarks. The root of the problem still lies in the distinctiveness of the trademark. Not strong enough. Before registering a trademark, we need to search the trademark in advance. If there is a similar trademark, we should modify the trademark in advance and then apply for registration.
Specify the combination of designated goods and services
The design of the trademark itself has a hidden meaning, and the public can associate it with related goods or services after seeing the trademark. It may also be that the trademark itself is not unique in design, but has been used for a long time and has been recognized by the public, thus obtaining the distinctiveness of a registered trademark.