After the trademark is submitted to the Trademark Office, it will enter the review period, that is, it must pass the Trademark Office before it can be officially registered. This requires a review period, which is a process of trademark review. The following is Let me tell you in detail what trademark review is and some related content about trademark review standards. What is trademark review? Trademark review is a series of activities conducted by the trademark registration authority to check whether a trademark registration application complies with the provisions of the Trademark Law, conduct data retrieval, analyze and compare, investigate and study, and decide to give preliminary approval or reject the application. During the review process of a trademark application, the Trademark Office will issue various documents to the applicant. The main documents are: Trademark Acceptance Notice. If the Trademark Office requires the applicant to make certain modifications to the original application content during the review process and reply , then the applicant will also be served with a notice of correction, a notice of rejection and other documents. Professional and formal agencies must conduct strict trademark inquiries before the trademark enters the review process. Click here to view Trademark Examination Standards Trademark Examination