Bring your own wallpaper to light up your desktop.
If you want to light up the desktop, you can open the settings, find the desktop and wallpaper, click on the wallpaper, and choose a favorite picture as the wallpaper. If you want to add some special effects to the wallpaper, you can click "blur" to make the wallpaper look dreamy and fuzzy. You can also slide the slider to adjust the blur level! Finally, click "Apply" and choose to set it as lock screen, desktop or both. Everything is as you like!
Make gallery photos into wallpaper
If you want to make the photos in the gallery into wallpaper, you can open the gallery, find your favorite photos, click the four-point icon at the bottom of the picture, select "Set" and then select "Wallpaper". According to the on-screen prompts, you can easily complete the setup!