It is divided into three types: general use license, exclusive use license and exclusive use license.
1. General use license: means that the trademark registrant allows others to use its registered trademark within the agreed period, region and in the agreed manner, and can use the registered trademark on its own and license others to use it. It is mostly suitable for situations where the licensee has limited production capacity or the product market demand is large (such as chain franchise stores). The licensor can choose several licensees, and the selling price of each license is relatively low. The licensee's right to use the trademark is non-exclusive.
2. Exclusive use license: means that the trademark registrant licenses the registered trademark to only one licensee for use within the agreed period, region and in the agreed manner. The trademark registrant holder shall This registered trademark may not be used.
3. Exclusive use license: means that the trademark registrant licenses the registered trademark to only one licensee during the agreed period, region and in the agreed manner. The trademark registrant can use the trademark as agreed. Registered trademark but shall not license others to use the registered trademark.