1. After accepting the trademark registration notice and paying the fee, the Trademark Office will receive the trademark application information. It will first review all attachments such as the registration application and trademark sample in detail to check whether the required parts in the application have been filled in. Complete the form, check whether the relevant information is correct, and whether the required information is complete. It is expected that the Trademark Office will issue an acceptance notice in about 20 working days
2. Review: The Trademark Office will check whether the relevant trademark is distinctive and complies with the registration requirements stipulated in China's trademark laws and regulations. If approved, the application process will enter the next stage: the preliminary review announcement stage.
3. Newspaper announcement: The preliminary review announcement lasts for three months. If no one raises any objection, the trademark can be successfully registered
4. Registration: After the trademark registration is approved , the detailed information of the trademark will be recorded in the registration record and a registration certificate will be issued to the applicant. The registration date will be retroactive to the date of filing of the application. In other words, the rights of the owner of the registered trademark shall be calculated from the date of filing of the application. Trademark registration: 270 yuan/category (no more than 10 products in the same category, an additional 30 yuan will be charged for each more than one product); according to this charging standard, no agency is required to handle it. For 100 trademarks, the total fee is: 27,000 Yuan. If you entrust a trademark registration agency, you will also be charged an additional trademark registration agency service fee of about 600-800 yuan.