Legal analysis: 1. If the name, address or other registered items of a trademark registrant change after the trademark is approved and registered, it shall apply to the Trademark Office for the corresponding change procedures. A trademark that has been applied for but has not been approved for registration may also apply to the Trademark Office to change the name, address and agent of the applicant, or to delete the goods specified in the registration application. Where the exclusive right to use a trademark is transferred due to enterprise merger, merger or restructuring, the transfer formalities shall be handled. Where the name of the trademark registrant is changed, the exclusive right to use the trademark will not be transferred. 2. Required materials: trademark agency power of attorney signed or sealed by the trademark change applicant; An application for trademark change signed or sealed by the applicant for trademark change; The original or stamped copy of the change certificate issued by the industrial and commercial department; (change the name of the registrant) and a copy of the business license; Copy of trademark registration certificate or copy of acceptance notice.
Legal basis: Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China
Article 41 Where it is necessary to change the name, address or other registered items of a registered trademark, an application for change shall be filed.
article 42 where a registered trademark is assigned, the assignor and the assignee shall sign an assignment agreement and file an application with the trademark office. The transferee shall guarantee the quality of the goods using the registered trademark. Where a registered trademark is transferred, the trademark registrant shall transfer the similar trademark registered on the same commodity or the same or similar trademark registered on similar commodities. The Trademark Office shall not approve the transfer that may easily lead to confusion or have other adverse effects, and notify the applicant in writing and explain the reasons. After the transfer of a registered trademark is approved, it shall be announced. The transferee shall enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademark from the date of announcement.