Shandong Pingdu’s power train is not fake wine.
The so-called counterfeit wines on the market mainly include two categories. Small wineries imitate famous wines in order to achieve sales. This type of counterfeit wines mainly occurs in big cities or urban areas. There is also industrial alcohol blended into edible liquor for sale, mainly in rural areas. Industrial alcohol contains methanol, and methanol is a highly toxic substance. Drinking 4 to 6 grams will cause blindness, and more than 10 grams can cause death.
The outer packaging box of fake liquor is old, and the bottle body has obvious signs of wear. At the same time, the fake liquor trademark has poor clarity, incorrect color, and no anti-counterfeiting mark. Looking at the sealing, real liquor has more sealing processes. , complete with anti-counterfeiting balls and plastic caps, but the sealing of fake wine is relatively simple and not standardized enough; look at the bottle cap, the bottle cap of real wine is printed with a barcode, production date, batch number, and anti-counterfeiting mark, while the fake wine cannot meet the requirements due to equipment limitations. arrive.