How to distinguish tm trademark from R trademark in trademark registration
TM can be used for trademarks that are being applied for or unregistered, and R can be used for successfully registered trademarks. A trademark on a trademark means that sovereignty is always important. Typing TM just tells others that this word or figure is not only a name, but also a raw material, not only a descriptive language, not only an advertising language, but actually a trademark of my family. Just like when some boys start chasing girls, even if they haven't caught up yet, they first declare: this is my woman. Generally speaking, this move can really get rid of other boys who also have ideas about this girl. However, there are also cases of being robbed. If TM is not registered, it is likely that someone else will register first after it becomes famous. Mark R means that your trademark is registered and protected by law, and others can't think about it any more.