What are the differences between trademark registration and copyright registration?
1. The applying institutions are different. The competent unit for copyright registration is the National Copyright Administration, and the administrative unit for trademark registration is the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce;
2. The objects of protection are different. The objects protected by trademark rights are registered trademarks composed of words, graphics or their combinations, while copyright mainly protects literary, artistic and scientific works created by the author;
3. The protection periods are different. The limited period of trademark registration is 10 years, and the registration can be renewed after the limited period; the copyright protection period is the life of the author and 50 years after his death.
4. The purpose of protection is different. The purpose of trademark registration protection is to encourage producers to ensure product quality and maintain trademark credibility, and to protect the interests of consumers; the purpose of copyright protection is to encourage the creation and dissemination of works that are beneficial to society, and promote the development and prosperity of social, cultural and scientific undertakings. .
The similarities between trademark registration and copyright registration:
1. Trademark registration rights and copyright are both intellectual property rights and are intangible assets, protected by law;
2. Trademark rights and copyrights are subject to time and geographical restrictions.