What is the trademark change fee? What are the rules?
1. A registered trademark may pay a trademark change fee. The application for trademark change is charged by category, and the acceptance fee for one category is 500 yuan RMB. Two. Trademark change category 1. Change of the name and address of the registrant or applicant According to the provisions of the Trademark Law and the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law, after the name of a natural person, legal person or other organization is changed, it shall file an application for change with the Trademark Office and perform certain procedures before exercising its trademark rights. Otherwise, the registrant cannot effectively prove that the trademark is his own when exercising his rights, and his exclusive right to use the trademark cannot be protected in time. This application is also applicable to foreign registrants or applicants who change their Chinese translation names and have trademark change representatives. 2. Change of Trademark Agent According to Article 23 of the Trademark Law and Article 17 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law, if a registrant or applicant needs to change his trademark agent, he may apply to the Trademark Office for changing his trademark agent. After the trademark agent changes, the Trademark Office will notify the registrant or applicant of the rejection, registration, objection, dispute and cancellation of the trademark or application for three consecutive years through the changed trademark agent. The application for change of agent is only applicable to the agent of registered trademark to change or apply for registration. If it is necessary to change the agent during the trial of objection cases, review cases and other cases, an application for change shall be submitted to the relevant department responsible for hearing the case. 3. Deletion of goods or services. Deleting goods or services belongs to the category of changing other registered items as stipulated in Article 23 of the Trademark Law. A registrant or applicant can delete a specified commodity or service by submitting an application for deleting the commodity or service. It should be pointed out that due to the addition of partial revocation in Article 46 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law, the revocation of some goods or services is only applicable to registered trademarks. Therefore, for registered trademarks, the deletion of goods or services can also be handled through cancellation procedures, without paying any trademark fees, and the deletion of goods or services can be replaced by partial cancellation applications. 4. Correction of trademark application or registered items If the registrant or applicant finds that there are obvious errors in his trademark application documents or registration documents, he may apply for correction, and shall fill out the Application for Trademark Application/Registered Items. According to the provisions of Article 36 of the Trademark Law, such corrections do not involve the substantive contents of the trademark application documents or registration documents, that is, changes in drawings, goods or services, and changes in rights holders are not allowed, and are generally limited to typographical errors caused by the fault of the applicant or agent. Through the above answers, I believe everyone already knows how much the trademark change fee is. Theoretically, the application for trademark change is charged by category, and the acceptance fee for each category is 500 yuan. However, in real life, it is often necessary to entrust an agency to handle it, so it is also necessary to consider the agency fee. Different agencies have different agency fees.