Anpu network cable is a big brand and the quality is relatively good, but you should pay attention to distinguish the authenticity from the fake ones. There are many fake ones on the market.
The existence of counterfeit products is related to Anpu’s own lack of awareness of brand protection. He did not protect himself by rushing to register similar trademarks or upgrade them to well-known trademarks. Driven by interests, many imitations appeared, or fake products appeared. The phenomenon of fake meat being sold under the guise of a fool.
AMP has been acquired by CommScope and is no longer called AMPT. Genuine AMP is the de facto benchmark in the industry of network cables, crystal connectors and integrated wiring. It has the largest name and many industry standards are also from it. Its advantage is shielded network cables and related solutions.
Distinguish true and false network cables:
Distinguish them from the network cable logo.
The identification of Category 3 lines is "CAT3", with a bandwidth of 10M, suitable for 10M networks, and has basically been eliminated at present.
The identification of Category 5 line is "CAT5", the bandwidth is 100M, and it is suitable for networks below 100M.
The Category 5e cable is labeled "CAT5E" and has a bandwidth of 155M, which is the current mainstream product.
The identification of Category 6 lines is "CAT6", with a bandwidth of 250M. It is used to set up Gigabit networks and is the future development trend.
By looking at this approach we can identify most fake Category 5/Category 5e cables.
The characters printed on the plastic wrap of the real Category 5 line are very clear and smooth, with basically no jagged edges. The handwriting printing quality of fakes is poor, some fonts are unclear, and some are severely jagged.
Genuine Category 5 cables are marked with the word "cat5", Category 5e cables are marked with the word "5e", and fakes are usually marked with all capital letters such as "CAT5" and "5E" " words.
Use scissors to remove a small section of the plastic wrapping outside the cord.
To further judge by "looking", the white one among the 4 pairs of core wires of True Amp Category 5 / Category 5e cable should not be pure white, but with a The paired core wires are white in color. This is mainly to facilitate users to distinguish between wire pairs when making crystal heads. The fake ones are usually pure white or the color is not obvious.
Use a knife to cut to expose 4 pairs of core wires. The winding density of 4 pairs of core wires, the winding density of true Category 5/Category 5e wire is moderate, and the direction is counterclockwise. The density of false threads is usually very small, and the direction may be clockwise (lesser). This is mainly because it is easier to make, so the production cost is smaller.