Yes, trademark registration usually requires renewal within ten years of registration. Trademark renewal is to maintain the validity and rights of the trademark and ensure that the trademark holder continues to enjoy the exclusive rights of the trademark.
Trademark registration is usually valid for ten years, starting from the date the Trademark Registration Office issues the registration certificate. Before the expiration of this ten-year period, the trademark holder needs to submit a renewal application to the trademark registration agency in accordance with relevant regulations and pay the corresponding renewal fee. The specific requirements for renewal applications and fees may vary by country or region. You can check the official website of the local trademark registration agency or consult a professional trademark agency or lawyer to obtain accurate information.
Trademark renewal is the responsibility of the trademark holder. If the renewal is not done on time, the trademark may become invalid and lose legal protection. Therefore, trademark holders should pay close attention to the timing of trademark renewal and ensure that renewal obligations are fulfilled in a timely manner to protect the rights and interests of the trademark.
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