The specific certificates and documents required for trademark registration may vary by country or region, but the following documents are generally required:
1. Trademark Application Form: You need to fill out and submit a trademark application A table containing detailed information about the trademark such as trademark name, category, description, etc.
2. Pattern of the trademark: It is usually necessary to provide a pattern or logo of the trademark in order to evaluate its uniqueness and distinguishability.
3. Trademark power of attorney: If you are not a direct applicant, but apply through an agency or lawyer, you may need to provide a trademark power of attorney to prove that the agent has the authority to register the trademark on your behalf. .
4. Proof of priority (optional): If you want to obtain priority based on a previous registration application for the same trademark in other countries or regions, you may need to provide corresponding supporting documents.
5. Proof of application fee payment: When submitting a trademark registration application, you usually need to pay a certain application fee. You may be asked to provide proof of payment, such as a bank receipt or payment voucher.
Please note that the documents listed above are general only and specific trademark registration requirements may vary by country or region. Before starting a trademark registration, it is recommended that you study the trademark registration laws and regulations of your country or region in detail and consult a professional trademark agency or lawyer to ensure that you provide the correct documents and certifications required.
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