Most of China's Changyu wine and Shuanghui sausages as well as CJ's meat product packaging are expressed in this form. This form of packaging is also common in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The visua
Most of China's Changyu wine and Shuanghui sausages as well as CJ's meat product packaging are expressed in this form. This form of packaging is also common in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan. The visual effect it displays is bright, simple, gentle and elegant. (2) The contrast between light and heavy colors (or dark and light contrast) is also one of the important reproduction techniques in the use of packaging colors. This kind of contrast between light and heavy is often used to set off a dignified and profound theme pattern on a light and elegant background, or in a dignified and profound theme pattern (mostly color block patterns are the focus). Show the light and elegant packaging theme and name, as well as trademarks or slogans, etc. Conversely, a large area of ??dignified and deep pigment is used as the base. In addition, use light and elegant colors or focus on a certain color block or fully decorate some patterns. In this kind of contrast between light and heavy, general pigments have harmonious color contrast and cold and warm color contrast. The harmonious color contrast method is often light green versus dark green; light yellow versus dark coffee; pink versus bright red, etc., while the contrast between cold and warm colors is mostly Black and white, red and blue, etc. (3) Point-to-face contrast (or size contrast) in the use of colors. This kind of contrast is mainly used in the process of designing a packaging picture, using pigments from a center or concentrated point to the overall picture, that is, small range and large range. Contrast between images. In daily life, especially for washing cosmetics, we can see that on the packaging box of a product, the entire area is clean and empty, except for a very obvious small square of heavy color (or Oval or small round) and then reflect the theme of the brand and name of the packaging content from this small square picture. This is not only a combination of points and surfaces, but also a contrast between large and small, and occasionally from point to And the contrast of gradual transition. In the design process, designers can only design products that are more suitable for consumer needs and more suitable only if they accurately grasp the correspondence between color and packaging, as well as the contrast between color and color itself, and properly combine the two in the design process. Packaging design that reflects product characteristics.