The text of the 1. trademark cannot be repeated. Even if the words in the trademark are the same as or similar to the name in your business license, the words in the trademark can only be used by the registrant.
2. The font of the trademark is also the key point, and some fonts are also patented and cannot be used.
3. The color of the trademark or the color of the word, in order to avoid a very similar situation, some trademark colors are also limited, because there are tens of millions of trademarks from the beginning of trademark patents. Basically, registered trademarks need to be inquired to see the pass rate and repetition rate. There are also many institutions that can inquire. For example, fortunately, it is not easy to pass the trademark now, and it will be more difficult to pass it in the future, and the longer it may take, if you want, you'd better do it as soon as possible.