The materials Amazon needs to prepare when applying for the American Standard are product photos with the trademark, product labels or tags, web pages and links with photos of the product or articles describing the product. The product should be accompanied by the applied trademark. Information and merchandise sales records related to the sale of the product.
Many users are confused when seeing this information, so recently, in order to help customers complete US trademark registration more efficiently, Azov has launched the service of agency US trademark use certificate, one-click agency service Labels, tags, product pictures, product link sales records, one-stop solution for the industry.
What is the proof of use required to apply for the American Standard?
Because applying for the American Standard in the United States requires use first and then registration, you need to provide a proof of use when submitting the application. Products are sold for use. There are several ways to provide proof of use, such as Amazon or eBay sales links, independent websites, packaging pictures of products on sale, etc. These can be submitted as proof of use.