The trademark acceptance number can be found on the portal website of the China Trademark Office. According to relevant legal provisions, after receiving a written application, the Trademark Office shall promptly accept the application and notify the applicant in writing if the trademark registration application procedures are complete, the application documents are filled in and the fees are paid in accordance with regulations.
Legal basis
Article 18 of the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
The date of application for trademark registration shall be the date of receipt by the Trademark Office The date of application documents shall prevail.
If the trademark registration application procedures are complete, the application documents are filled in and the fees are paid in accordance with the regulations, the Trademark Office will accept the application and notify the applicant in writing; if the application procedures are incomplete, the application documents are not filled in in accordance with the regulations, or the fees are not paid, the Trademark Office will accept the application and notify the applicant in writing. If the Trademark Office does not accept the application, it will notify the applicant in writing and explain the reasons. If the application procedures are basically complete or the application documents are basically in compliance with the regulations, but if they need to be supplemented or corrected, the Trademark Office will notify the applicant to make supplements and corrections, and the applicant shall make corrections according to the specified content and return them to the Trademark Office within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification. If corrections are made and returned to the Trademark Office within the prescribed time limit, the application date will be retained; if corrections are not made within the time limit or corrections are not made as required, the Trademark Office will not accept the application and notify the applicant in writing.
The provisions on acceptance conditions in paragraph 2 of this article apply to other trademark matters.