This trademark is composed of Chinese + English.
The LOHASYS Class 14-Jewelry and Watch trademark is a trademark applied by the applicant Yang Ruyi on 2020-06-19; this trademark was applied in a Chinese + English structure, and the applicant’s nominal address has not changed.
The Chinese name of lohasys is Lehua Xishi. This is a brand from South Korea. This brand mainly sells various cosmetics and is highly sought after by Internet experts. Of course, there are some bags, but they are relatively few, and the prices of these bags are relatively expensive. In addition, the various skin care products launched by Lehua Xishi have become a high-end brand sought after by many celebrities in Korea. Of course, they are also widely recognized by users in the Korean cosmetics industry, and some superstars even endorse the brand. The various skin care products it launches are not only suitable for Korean women, but also for Asian women. It can be said to have led the fashion trend of cosmetics.