The key is to look at the shoe label and be sure to resist the seller's deception. For example, how good the materials are, and the branded shoes are nonsense. The most important thing to identify a pair of shoes is to look at the shoe logo. I suggest you study it first and look at several big shoe appraisal forums.
Second, look at the price. The genuine price of Adidas on Taobao is generally not less than 200. Among them, the shoes with genuine price of 200~300 are all low-end shoes of Adi, while the high-end shoes such as star signature shoes are basically fake if they are lower than 400. Also, the price of new products in this season is generally impossible to be less than 50% off! Because you can't buy real shoes below this price.
In addition to clothes, here are some ways to identify Adidas clothes:
Trademark of 1.adidas: The three diagonal lines on the trademark are connected with the upper corners of the two D's, and the genuine embroidery is more delicate, with no thread ends and proportional spacing.
2. Zippers: Whenever Adidas' clothes, pants and shoes are zipped, world-class YKK zippers are used. YKK is usually printed on the back of the zipper, so it is best to distinguish them, because there are few manufacturers producing counterfeit YKK, but there are many manufacturers producing counterfeit Adidas, so as long as it is not YKK, it is fake.
3. Label washing: Generally, the label washing is located at 10cm above the left hem of the clothes. The washing label made in China is printed on the front and back, with the national flags of Germany, Japan, Britain, France, Italy, the United States, Spain and Canada printed on the front, and the ingredients and washing instructions of the selling country printed on the back, and the factory code will be marked below (consistent with the ID label). Now the imitation clothes are also washed, and the workmanship is ok, so the key point is not to wash the label, but to wash the "ID label" on the side of the label.
4.ID tag: The tag displays three lines of information.
A line of 6 digits indicates the commodity number.
A line of two letters and four numbers represents the factory code.
A row of four digits represents the manufacturing date: expressed in month/year.
This is the most poisonous trick to identify true and false Adidas. Only the information on the ID label is consistent with the information on Adidas official website, is it genuine. Moreover, the item number on the ID label is the same as that on the washing label and the tag, and it is fake if it is different. What? What if there is no ID tag? That's easy, leave, that's absolutely fake!
The following websites contain a lot of adidas appraisal posts and authentic store collections, so you can learn from them first (all of them are summarized by sneaker experts, which are very good and powerful). Please refer to the following resources-