(1) Using the same trademark as its registered trademark on the same commodity without the permission of the trademark registrant;
(2) Without the permission of the trademark registrant, using a trademark similar to its registered trademark on the same kind of goods, or using a trademark identical with or similar to its registered trademark on similar goods is likely to cause confusion;
(3) selling goods that infringe upon the exclusive right to use a registered trademark;
(4) Forging or unauthorized manufacturing of registered trademark marks of others or selling forged or unauthorized registered trademark marks;
(five) without the consent of the trademark registrant, the registered trademark is changed and the goods with the changed trademark are put on the market again;
(6) Deliberately facilitating the infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark of others and helping others to commit the infringement of the exclusive right to use a trademark;
(seven) causing other damage to the exclusive right to use a registered trademark of others.
I hope it is useful to you: Guizhou Pioneer Intellectual Property.