Fake goods
Let me tell you what’s going on, the real Valentino is from Italy
The brand we see most often is:
Tino Cooper (many of the worst shoes are from this brand)
Valentino Genia (the one you see)
The logo of Valentino is a V, but if you look closely, you will find that there are many kinds of V. These bitches selling fake products have slightly changed the genuine trademark, such as the height of the two sides of the V is different, with a small apostrophe, etc. In fact, this It is an act that misleads consumers.
Remember: Valentino is a brand, but Valentino Genia is another brand that is allowed to be registered.
Understood, let’s take a look at the two paragraphs I found below:
There are more than 100 kinds of clothing called “Valentino” on the Chinese market, and they are only available in Dongdan and Xidan. Five or six kinds of "Valentino" clothing. The name and trademark of the internationally registered "Valentino" have at least a capital "V", and the original English name of VOLENTINO is marked underneath. Now, the store signs of Valentino counters or shops in the Beijing market all have Chinese characters There are slight differences in the "V"-shaped trademarks. Some English logos are not "VOLENTINO" at all.
The line of letters below the Chinese characters is not "VALENTINO" but "GE-NIAVALENTINO."
As a world-famous brand store, the agent authorization letter should be an indispensable thing, but the reporter did not see it in this store. He only saw a sign on the cashier that read "Franchise" An unsigned brand that specializes in Italian Valentino Genia (Hong Kong) Group Co., Ltd.